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Más sobre Denis Waitley - según

¿Por qué Denis Waitley se ha convertido en el top-consultant de estos días?
Porque ha descubierto él mismo y ha comenzado a enseñar al mundo que las semillas de la "grandeza" - la riqueza y el éxito, por ejemplo - deben sembrarse en los seres humanos desde que son pequeños. Y ha creado un sistema para aplicar esta idea.
En su website, sobre Denis se dice, entre otras cosas, lo que sigue:
Denis Waitley is one of the most sought-after keynote speakers and productivity consultants in the world today.

His clients and audiences include Fortune 500 top executives and multi-national corporations; small business owners and entrepreneurs; Superbowl and Olympic champions; astronauts and U. S. Armed Forces; world leaders and foreign governments; Educators and youth groups.

What's Denis up to?

He has just completed a new, interactive value-based family leadership program, titled

"The Seeds of Greatness System":
What every leader needs to teach
What every child needs to learn.

His co-author is Dr. Maryann Rosenthal, a national authority and best-selling author on family dynamics.
The program, with DVDs, CDs and printed materials is multi-faceted and can be self-taught, coached or presented in seminar, workshop or online formats.

In recent months, he's been on the road telling the Michael Dell story, gained from his personal experience the Dell organization, one of the most successful business models in recent history.

He's also been delivering keynote addresses and seminars world-wide for large multi-national organizations, institutions and governments.
Denis is busier than at any time in his career.

He also has continued delivering his legendary mental training for world-class athletes, including Olympians from a variety of countries preparing for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China.

In addition to his popularity in the United States, he is one of the most prominent, high performance coaches in Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Latin America, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and China...
And Denis has had a best-selling book in the Chinese language for the past two decades.
Pero en este blog vas tú a hallar una forma de comenzar a aplicar la idea.
Busca el tema de las "9 lecciones y media", piénsalo y actúa.
Porque el éxito y la riqueza no vienen de la nada, no serán el resultado de que una varita mágica tocó tu cabeza y te transformaste de pronto de Cenicienta en Princesa.
No dejes pasar la oportunidad.
Quien no arriesga, no gana. Y tú quieres ser un ganador, ¿verdad?
Podemos conversar sobre esto.
Escríbenos a:
y consúltanos cómo comenzar ya mismo tu camino a la riqueza y al éxito.

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